Locations And Information That You Should Know When Trout Fishing In The State Of Wisconsin
Are you actively seeking the best trout fishing in Wisconsin? If you would like to go fly fishing for trout in the state of Wisconsin, there are an endless number of opportunities for you! There are over 13,000 miles of trout streams in Wisconsin! With many rivers and creeks throughout the state, you will find some fun places to spend the day fly fishing.
When you go fishing at a new location, you need to be aware of the fishing laws for that area. Sometimes, there can be specific restrictions for trout fishing in a particular area. In this article, we cover everything you need to know! The areas that we cover below include:
- Kinnickinnic River
- Pike River
- Bois Brule River
- Rush River
- Pine River
- Namekagon River
- Best Season To Fish For Trout In Wisconsin
- Different Species of Trout Found In Wisconsin
- Getting A Fishing License In Wisconsin
- Conclusion
Kinnickinnic River
If you are looking for the best trout fishing in Wisconsin, the Kinnickinnic River is an excellent place to visit. This river is called the Kinni for short and is a total of 22 miles long. At the Kinni, there is plenty of trout within the cold water. You can find brook trout at this location, as well as brown trout that naturally reproduce. This river has clean water that is heavily populated with trout. This popular river has 7,000 trout per mile on average.
Pike River
Pike River is another river that you can visit while you are in the state of Wisconsin. This wild river is perfect for trout as it has cold water with deep depths. When fishing in this river, you can find all types of trout, including rainbow trout, brown trout, and brook trout. On top of these species, you can also find other fish species, such as salmon and steelhead. If you are looking for variety, this is a great location to visit.

Bois Brule River
Bois Brule River is a river you should check out for fly fishing in Douglas County, Wisconsin. This well-known 43.9-mile river is great for trout fishing. If you are fishing for trout in this river, you will commonly come across brown trout and rainbow trout. On top of these, you can still find some wild brook trout within the river. If you are fishing in this river, you need to be aware of different regulations in different sections.
Rush River
Rush River is a river that you can visit if you are looking for the best trout fishing in Wisconsin. This river is 49.8 miles long. It offers great opportunities for fly fishing for trout. This river is loved by many and offers opportunities for catching brown trout and brook trout. There is space that allows people to fish from a mile-long stretch along the shore and from canoes.
Pine River
Another perfect location to visit for trout fishing in the state of Wisconsin is the Pine River. Like Pike River, Pine River is another wild river that is located in the state. Since this is a wild river with a natural habitat, you will find that it can be a little bit more challenging to navigate. For experienced fly fishers, this may not be a problem.
When you fish in this river, you will find brown trout and brook trout. Another fish species that you may catch while fishing in this location is smallmouth bass. This is a great place to fly fish for trout if you are looking to fish on foot.
Namekagon River
Another location to visit for the best trout fishing in Wisconsin is the Namekagon River. Located in the northwestern part of Wisconsin, this river is over 100 miles long. If you are interested in fishing in this location, you will likely find wild brown trout and brook trout within the river. This location can have some of the largest brown trout in the area, making it a great choice if you are searching for that species! While this river is open during the regular season, you can also fish in parts of it year-round. Before heading out, it is a good idea to check the exact locations.
Best Season To Fish For Trout In Wisconsin
When you fish in the state of Wisconsin, you will find that spring and fall are usually the best times for fly fishing for trout. Fall can be the best time of year, while summer is typically more popular amongst other anglers in the area. With that being said, you can also fish year-round if the particular location you are visiting allows for it. When looking into fishing out of season, you should be aware of the regulations in the area to be safe.

Different Species of Trout Found In Wisconsin
There are several species of trout that you can find in Wisconsin. They include rainbow, brook, tiger trout, brown, and lake trout. Brown and rainbow trout are the most common. Rainbow trout is the most stocked trout found in Wisconsin.
Getting A Fishing License In Wisconsin
When you fish in the state of Wisconsin, you will need to have a fishing license. A fishing license is required for individuals that are age 16 and older. You can find various ways to save money depending on your situation, such as if you are buying a license for the first time, you are only looking to fish for one day, or you are part of the active-duty military.
When buying a license for fishing, there are a variety of options to choose from. You can buy an annual fishing license or a fishing license that lasts for a day or more. When buying a fishing license, you will find that there are different prices for residents and non-residents. On top of the license, you will need to buy a trout stamp for inland trout fishing if you are looking to fish for trout.
If you are looking to go fly fishing in the state of Wisconsin, there are many locations to choose from. You will find that there are many rivers to pick from within the state, with a lot of brook trout and brown trout and some areas offering rainbow trout. After buying a fishing license and an inland trout stamp, you will be ready to start your journey of fly fishing for trout!
If Wisconson isn’t in your future, did you know there is great fly fishing in Iowa? There is also some great trout fishing in Indiana. Or how about some Fly fishing for bonefish in sunny Flordia? There are also some amazing fly fishing destinations in Kentucky.
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